In 2022, the Victorian State Government announced $8.5 million in funding to support the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail Enhancements project. To support the delivery of the project, Tourism North East is the lead agency, working closely with the Rural City of Wangaratta, Indigo and Alpine Shires.
The artist selected for the Rutherglen Silo Precinct is Ronan Holdsworth:
The creative theme for this site is 'Deep Roots', which celebrates the rich, complex flavours of Rutherglen's wine and produce, the power of handing down knowledge from generation to generation and deep passion for creativity.
Beechworth Railway Precinct | Community Consultation Feedback
To progress the detailed design for the Beechworth Railway Precinct, Tourism North East, in collaboration with Indigo Shire Council, were pleased to host numerous community consultation sessions throughout June, July and August 2024.
We are grateful to all who have participated and offered their feedback and insights on the suggested enhancements, and look forward to continuing to work with our engaged community members, businesses and organisations on this exciting project.
What we heard
History and heritage: Maintaining the historical integrity of the space is imperative. It’s important to create a sympathetic yet contemporary response in the design for the site that incorporates parts of the existing precinct into the landscape, as well as stories and elements that connect to the precinct's rich past, the Beechworth township, and traditional owners. Maintain authenticity of the space by keeping development between the Railway Station Building and the Goods Shed to a minimum.
Playspace: There has been universal support for increased play spaces for children in Beechworth, and enthusiasm for a nature-based playspace that is sympathetic to Beechworth’s history and surroundings. We heard from a number of community members that it is important to include elements which provoke imagination, creativity and curiosity within the playspace in the design response.
Lighting: Lighting inclusions need to align with dark sky policies, be considerate of neighbouring residents, and be animal friendly – including birds and bogong moths. The use of appropriate lighting solutions to address safety concerns in darker areas of the precinct was widely supported.
Amenities block: There was feedback that the new public toilets may attract loiterers, vandals and free campers. The inclusion of toilets in the precinct design was widely supported, however the look and feel of the toilet block was a topic of discussion and must be considered by the design team to ensure it is aesthetically fit for purpose in the context of the master plan design.
The space: The need for more civic space in Beechworth that allows for multi-generational community congregation was strongly supported. It was noted that it is imperative that the site cater for a wide range of users including – young families, teens, groups of friends, mature aged residents and cyclists. The site should also improve the connection between the Railway Precinct and the skatepark, and encourage a sense of pride and ownership of the skatepark to deter vandalism.
Traffic impacts: There was discussion about increased traffic congestion and pedestrian safety.
How we’re responding
The M2M Project working group have met and reviewed the feedback received at the community consultation sessions, via the survey and social channels. All of the points raised during the consultation are being considered in the detailed design response for the site.
The location of the public toilet block has been determined as per the mandated safety guidelines outlined by Safer Design Guidelines for Victoria. Well designed and maintained urban environments are essential for improved safety in the community. The key to safer places is to improve the quality of the environment, minimise the opportunity for crime and promote accessible and liveable places that encourage a feeling of safety and community participation.
Following these guideline has resulted in the toilet block being:
- Close to the carpark
- Adjacent to the Goods Shed (to assist with any potential future activation of the building)
- Visible (passive surveillance) on all sides
- On a busy pathway
- Near the road
- Midpoint of play and Goods Shed for ease of access to children and parents/guardians
- Adjacent to the trail for bike riders to refresh
- Area lighting is more efficient (car park and shed lighting)
- The station has its own facilities
Learn more about Safer Design Guidelines for Victoria here.
The project working group discussed the feedback regarding increased traffic congestion and pedestrian safety. This feedback has been passed onto Indigo Shire Council for consideration in future planning and budget discussions.
As the team moves into the detailed design for the site, periodic updates will be shared via our website.
Beechworth Railway Precinct Draft Masterplan
CLICK HERE to download Beechworth Railway Precinct Draft Masterplan PDF.
Q. Where is the Beechworth Railway Precinct located?
The Beechworth Railway Precinct is located to the south of Beechworth township, off Albert Street, between Harper and Railway Avenues.
Q. Why is Tourism North East involved in this project?
In 2022, Tourism North East secured $8.5 million in funding from the Victorian State Government to support the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail Enhancements project.
As such, Tourism North East is the lead agency, working closely with the Rural City of Wangaratta, Indigo and Alpine Shires to deliver the project.
Q. What is Indigo Shire’s involvement?
Tourism North East is working closely with Indigo Shire Council to deliver the project. Indigo Shire Council have been involved in the development of the strategy, selection of sites, community consultation sessions and the development of all artist briefs within the Indigo Shire.
The Council will also oversee the installation of all works on the site as the land manager.
Once the works are completed, they will become an asset of Indigo Shire Council.
Q. What is happening to the Goods Shed?
The Goods Shed is an important building within the precinct, however the funding secured is specifically related to rail trail and will be used to improve the external area of the precinct.
Noting that the goal is to activate the Goods Shed in the future, the improvements to the landscaping within this project will support any future activation of the building.
Q. Why is this project being prioritised over others?
The funding secured is specifically targeted at improving the user experience of the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail.
Funded via the State Government’s Tourism Portfolio, the project aims to:
- Make the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail the pre-eminent rail trail in the Southern Hemisphere
- Drive repeat visitation and advocacy to the trail through enhancing the user experience for locals and visitors alike
- Inspire, delight and encourage talkability and social shareability to position the trail as a ‘must do’ accessible cycling experience to local, domestic and international audiences
The outcomes of the project will improve the product offering of the High Country’s tourism portfolio and provide more reasons for people to visit and stay longer.
Q. Who is going to maintain the assets moving forward?
Once the works are completed, they will become an asset of Indigo Shire Council. Within the creative brief, Agency of Sculpture has been asked to consider low maintenance solutions in their response to reduce the maintenance requirements over the life of the assets.
Q. This area has been prone to vandalism in the past, how will this project discourage such activities?
To improve the accessibility and safety of the precinct, Tourism North East in collaboration with our creative partners and Indigo Shire Council will be exploring lighting solutions for the main precinct and stretch of trail between Albert Road and Billson’s Street.
Q. How will the works at this site maintain the historical integrity of the Railway Precinct?
The historical significance of the site is one of its greatest assets. The purpose of this project is to highlight the existing buildings and their history, while improving the amenity to make the site a user-friendly space for people of all generations to enjoy.
Theme: Deep roots
A celebration of the rich, complex flavours of Rutherglen's wine and produce, the power of handing down knowledge from generation to generation and deep passion for creativity.
The artist selected for the Beechworth Railway Precinct is Ben Gilbert of Agency of Sculpture:
These sites have been specifically selected to support the strategic objectives of the project which include increasing visitation and making the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail the best trail in the southern hemisphere. The sites nominated help support the overall experience of the Murray to Mountains experience for all visitors.
Theme: Abundant
Based on the symposium inspired concept of a 'boundless bounty' and the initially proposed concept 'shine', this theme celebrates the energy of the region, from First Nations stories about the power of the sun to the history of the gold rush. 'Abundance' represents an exuberant, creative expression of the abundance of prosperity, innovation and reinvention in Beechworth in the past, present and future.
Beechworth Community Engagement Sessions – Tuesday 16 July | CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Join Tourism North East, Indigo Shire Council and Public Realm Lab at the Beechworth Town Hall on Tuesday 16th July for a 'Meet the Creative Team' community engagement session. Meet Ben Gilbert of Yackandandah-based Agency of Sculpture, who has been commissioned to develop and deliver an innovative landscape design to complement the Beechworth Railway Precinct as part of the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail Enhancements Project.
There will be four one-hour sessions held throughout the day: at 10am, 12pm, 4pm and 7pm. Please select a session time when registering.
Please note that this is a free but ticketed event. To attend, you will be required to register. Spaces are limited.
CLICK HERE to register.
Beechworth Railway Precinct Draft Masterplan
The Beechworth Railway Precinct offers an exciting opportunity to provide vibrant public spaces and services to enhance the already active rail trail and energetic cycling scene in Beechworth. The precinct masterplan proposes a new public toilet block, innovative landscaping elements, lighting solutions to improve safety and ambiance, art installations and nature play.
CLICK HERE to download Beechworth Railway Precinct Draft Masterplan PDF.
Have your say. Complete the Community Feedback Survey HERE.
Sites selected for enhancements
These sites have been specifically selected to support the strategic objectives of the project which include increasing visitation and making the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail the best trail in the southern hemisphere. The sites nominated help support the overall experience of the Murray to Mountains experience for all visitors.
Theme: Abundant
Based on the symposium inspired concept of a 'boundless bounty' and the initially proposed concept 'shine', this theme celebrates the energy of the region, from First Nations stories about the power of the sun to the history of the gold rush. 'Abundance' represents an exuberant, creative expression of the abundance of prosperity, innovation and reinvention in Beechworth in the past, present and future.
Theme: Deep roots
A celebration of the rich, complex flavours of Rutherglen's wine and produce, the power of handing down knowledge from generation to generation and deep passion for creativity.
The creative themes will form the basis of an artistic brief that will be sent to selected artists who will be chosen from the EOI process.
Artist appointments will be announced by the end of June 2024.
Sites selected for enhancements
These sites have been specifically selected to support the strategic objectives of the project which include increasing visitation and making the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail the best trail in the southern hemisphere. The sites nominated help support the overall experience of the Murray to Mountains experience for all visitors.
- The Beechworth Goods Shed and surrounding precinct
- Indigo Shire Council to formulate a Master Plan for the Beechworth Goods Shed Precinct including collaboration between art, landscape, Goods Shed detailed design and connection with the existing heritage railway station.
- Rutherglen Silo Precinct
- Complete detailed design work for future construction opportunities (this project is subject to future funding)
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