March 22, 2024

TNE are here to support businesses through the process of entering the 2024 Victorian Tourism Awards, providing guidance for quality submissions.

Let’s step through the process together, in a group setting, to review how to enter, rules for entry, key dates etc. And, hear from an award winning business owner about their own experiences with the Tourism Awards submission process over the years.

When: Wednesday 17 April 2024, 10am-11am, via Zoom

About The Victorian Tourism Awards

“… the pinnacle of excellence in our Victorian tourism industry and a premier event in the industry calendar.”

For 37 years the Victorian Tourism Awards have showcased the state’s leaders in tourism excellence. The Awards encourage businesses to meet and exceed industry standards and play an integral role in acknowledging business excellence together with outstanding innovation, industry professionalism and collaboration.

Winners and finalists are announced at the industry night of nights, the annual Gala Ceremony. Around 900 industry identities from across the state gather to celebrate, network and share their success with great food, entertainment and the award ceremony.

The Victorian Tourism Awards recognise winners in 28 categories and three individual excellence categories. As a national program, winners of categories 1-25 automatically receive entry to compete at the Australian Tourism Awards.

Applications to the Victorian Tourism Awards open on March 25 2024, and close on May 27 2024.