High Country Welcomes Visit Victoria CEO
Tourism business operators recently took the chance to hear first hand Visit Victoria's new CEO outline his vision for regional tourism at an All of Industry Networking Dinner at Brown Brothers.
Around 90 tourism business operators had the chance to meet and hear Visit Victoria’s new CEO, Peter Bingeman, at a Tourism North East Industry Networking Dinner at Brown Brothers on Wednesday 12 April.
It was his first official visit to the High Country since his appointment as Visit Victoria's CEO nine months ago. Whilst here, Peter made the effort to immerse himself in the High Country tourism experience, visiting a range of food and wine operators, taking a ride on the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail, and learning about the region's latest tourism plans and initiatives.
His visit provided TNE with a great opportunity to showcase the region and meet our passionate and committed operators, so thank you to everyone who attended the dinner and was involved in showing Pete around.