August 30, 2018

The Victorian Chamber of Commerce is offering regional workshops in employer-employee workplace relations, including one in Wangaratta on 13 September. Click here for details.

The seminar is free for the Chamber’s Workplace Assured members and $30 for non members.

Key topics include:

  • How to approach performance management, including termination of employment when the employee is no longer fit to perform the job
  • Reading the early signs of depression, anti-social behaviour and underperformance
    Mental Health – 1/5 Australian employees report that they have taken time off work due to feeling mentally unwell in the past 12 months.
  • Understanding Domestic and Family Violence Leave – employee and employer rights
    Employee Assistance Programs
  • Employer rights in surveillance of employees

Presenter, Luis Izzo, the Managing Director – Sydney Workplace, Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors (ABLA) will provide clear guidance on how to nurture a safe and high-performing workplace, underpinned by compliance in workplace relations.